So last week I sent a text to a coworker to see if she was OK… thought she might be upset about something… this is what happened:
4/11 5:22 pm Me: You ok?
4/11 5:23 pm Them: Who is this
4/11 5:24 pm Me: Laura
4/11 5:24 pm Me: oh, and Terri… she said to tell you it’s your two favorite people
4/11 5:26 pm Them: i dont know a laura or a terri i think u got the wrong number srry
4/11 5:26 pm Me: You’re not Claire?
4/11 5:28 pm Them: Nah my names dave srry
4/11 5:29 pm Me: Sorry. Thanks.
4/11 5:30 pm Them: Its cool
4/11 7:56 pm someone from a different number: hey its daves friend i heard about you whats up
4/11 9:51 pm from dave again: Heyy wats up
4/11 9:55 pm from a THIRD person: Uhm hi…? Idk who you are but dave told me to text you.
4/11 10:06 pm back to Dave: its dave remember me i got nothin to do sooo i was like ima text those chicks that texted me earlier but had the wrong number soooo heyy
4/12 3:45 pm Dave: Heyy wats up
4/12 9:02 pm Dave: Heyy wyd
4/12 9:28 pm Dave: Hey its dave come on im bored talk to me
4/12 11:08 pm Dave: Heyy
4/13 2:08 am Dave: heyy its dave i just thought that since i got ur number now cuz u texted me we might as well talk u know i mean i got nothin better to do
MANY DAYS LATER (just when you think it’s safe!)
4/17 9:26 pm Dave: Heyy wats up its dave again… u still ignorin me come on i just wanna talk im really bored i got no one else to talk to
Ok so… I have a text stalker (or three)… since I haven’t responded to him (or them
) since the very beginning when I thought he was my coworker I’m guessing he is quite desperate… (and probably institutionalized!).
Exactly how does one get rid of a text stalker?
I know how to rid the bathroom from all visitors for at least an hour after my potty stop at Starbucks and I know how to give the stink eye to creepers in the grocery store… but text stalkers??? what am I supposed to do? call the police and say OFFICER! HE SAID “HEYY” TO ME!!!?
I have considered sending him a picture of my 79 year old aunt and telling him it’s me … but I am not sure he would be turned off by this! (smh
To make matters worse (as IF!) mom is trying to ask every kid she sees if his name is Dave… yeah… thanks mom! (not!)
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